
Established in 2021

Ok, so what about the data part? Well, it just happens that Ignas (the founder) was always keen to analyzing numbers. This passion led him into pursuing Accounting and Finance degrees from Top 10 business schools in the United States. Post graduating, Ignas dove into data analysis and computer science where he started really taking a deep dive into car pricing and figuring out which way the market is going to go.

This was the time when The Car Data website idea came up. After scraping millions of records online for car pricing, Ignas figured that he cannot be the only one that is looking for data about car prices as well as car part prices. He employed analytic tools to figure out what kind of car related things people care about learning and what kind of deals they are looking for.

This passion did not just stick to car prices. Ignas always found himself spending countless of hours looking for the best deal on the internet. He learned how to negotiate better deals for car parts, get sponsorship or partial sponsorships while leveraging his social media.

Ignas Vee​


Provide the most accurate automotive information to the readers. We strive to save our audience time and money by doing true product reviews, in-depth guides and developing useful tools.


To become the go-to automotive hub for people from any walks of life. Our goal is to always evolve into a better site than the day before. We are planning to bring a lot of cool data driven tools in the future as well.


Sharing Knowledge
Data-Driven Information